I don’t care about disagreements, time, distance or circumstances.And it give me the power to live for one more day without you. Every morning I tell myself that we are one day closer to seeing each other again.That is what makes the relationship so special In a long distance relationship, your love is tested and doubted every day, but you still prove to each other that it’s worth it.But if waiting means being able to be with you, I’ll wait for as long as forever to be with you The longer you wait for something, the more you’ll appreciate it when you get it.Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it true. If that isn’t true love, then please tell me what is I fell in love with his soul before I could even touch his skin.We’ll appreciate and embrace our time together, knowing how lucky we are to have made it through, and we’ll find solace in the promise of a future together We’ll live each day having intimately known the pain of being apart. A story of long days and lonely nights, hard work and lack of sleep. Years from now, our past will be a story.We are the perfect couple, we are just not in the perfect situation.Distance means so little when you means so much.